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Middle School

The FLY Middle School Program is up to a year-long program for 7th and 8th graders who are at risk of being pushed out of school.

For years, FLY youth have said that if they had FLY in middle school, they probably wouldn’t have made the same choices. Responding to the need, FLY developed its Middle School Program, a combination of law-related education (LRE) and case management (1-on-1 support) for young people ages 11-14.

FLY’s Middle School Program focuses on intervening early in the school-to-prison pipeline, which disproportionately impacts youth who experience various forms of exclusion and marginalization, such as poverty and racism. FLY staff works to engage youth’s schools, their families, and juvenile justice agencies in the youth’s success.

Law-Related Education (LRE)

FLY staff and trained volunteers teach FLY’s nationally recognized legal education curriculum, which covers topics such as police encounters, accomplice liability, decision making, theft, vandalism, drugs, gangs, and bullying. Through FLY’s law-related education curriculum, youth in our Middle School Program learn about the law and their rights, develop positive relationships with adults and peers, improve their self-confidence, and become more connected to their schools.

Case Management Support

FLY builds powerful relationships with youth to help them confront the challenges they face in achieving their goals. This support is individualized and centers around the youth’s goals. Case Managers are bridge builders between the school and the family and work to connect youth with resources in the community to build a sustainable network of support.

Fun Events & Community Service

Throughout the program, youth have opportunities to get together with their cohort and do fun things like go-karting, laser tag, and beach bonfires. At these events, youth get to practice prosocial skill building with the support of peers and staff. Community service activities are meant to be both fun and engaging while helping young people find ways to improve the communities that matter most to them.

How Youth Are referred

FLY generally accepts referrals from probation and police officers, and school teachers, counselors, and administrators. To be eligible for law classes, youth must attend a school where the course is offered and be referred.

To receive case management services, youth must be identified as truant, at risk of or having been suspended or expelled, involved in the juvenile justice system, or attending a community school. Youth do not have to attend a middle school where we offer the law program.

Kids at a rock climbing wall
A FLY mentor working at a craft table with a teenager
How to Volunteer

Middle School law classes can be taught by community members who receive in-depth training and on-going support from FLY staff. We hope you’ll consider this excellent volunteer opportunity. Volunteers must be a minimum of 21 years old.

Download our Middle School Law Program Volunteer Facilitator description and click the link for the application below.

Download Volunteer Facilitator Description

Volunteer Application


Two teens posing and smiling together. One wearing a mask and one covered in a blanket
Increased Educational Attainment

On average, over 75% of youth experience one or more educational attainment outcome(s) during their time in the Middle School Program.

Increased Social-Emotional Learning

Additionally, on average over 75% of youth in case management increase their social-emotional learning skills.

Young man carrying a bag through a door
Two teenagers smiling and eating pizza
Decreased Justice System Involvement

Over 80% of youth reduce their involvement with the juvenile justice system, with most youth in the program avoiding juvenile justice system involvement altogether.

Together, these outcomes lead youth to greater self-sufficiency, as well as give them the tools to connect with their communities and have bright futures.

Contact for more information

Santa Clara County

Tina Tellez-Piñon
(408) 504-1832

Alameda County

Serena Doty
(209) 741-9929

Child standing in front of a gorilla statue holding two thumbs up

FLY is an essential, very critical part of our school culture and community as a whole. It is the positive interaction that our students need and look for. It is the amazing support they provide to our community that makes them an integral part of our school.

FLY Middle School Program Partner