The U.S. has the highest imprisonment rate of children in the world: nearly 2,000 of them are arrested every day with California incarcerating more youth than ANY OTHER STATE at almost
However, recidivism data clearly shows that
youth incarceration is not effective.
The school-to-prison pipeline funnels young people into the criminal justice system and is difficult to escape, taking away their dreams and futures.
Our youth deserve better! It’s time to imagine new possibilities for young people impacted by the justice system.

#UnchainOurFutures is a youth-led movement
to help us move past juvenile incarceration and transition instead to a community-based system of care that provides a pathway for all young people to grow, prosper, and thrive.
Working collaboratively with Amplifier, FLY Program is offering a prize of $500, swag, and a chance to have your artwork featured in public art activations across California to artists that help us tell the world that troubled youth are not criminals!
- All kids deserve a chance to achieve their dreams
- Troubled youth are not criminals
- Kids belong in classrooms, not prison cells
- Schools should be a safe place to grow and thrive for all youth

Use slogans like:
- Pipelines2passion
- Pathway2Passion
- Unchain Our Futures
- Build Dreams, Not Cells
- Let Us Choose Our Destiny
- I’m More Than My Mistakes
- Don’t Clip My Wings
- Free To FLY
Open to all U.S residents. Submit work by either emailing your submission to or tagging @flyprogram on Instagram now until May 31st.
The winning artist will be contacted directly and required to submit files to the following specifications:
- High resolution: 300 DPI minimum
- 16in x 20in
- PDF, PNG, JPG, or TIFF file format
By submitting to this open call, I hereby verify that:
- This is an original work created by a U.S. resident,
- If submitted as an educator and/or parental guardian,I have parental permission from participant to submit artwork(s) on their behalf to this open call for art contest, and
- The artist has all necessary permissions from individuals in submitted work, and will provide a signed release and a license to Fresh Lifelines for Youth for use of the artwork as described herein, in a format requested, if submission is selected as a winner.

This project is a collaboration with Amplifier, a nonprofit design lab that builds art and media experiments to amplify the most important movements of our times. Our experiments are built on a foundation of free and open source art, the unlimited possibilities within a human centered design process, and the potentials when analog and digital technology merge. Learn more and download art at