Justice Prevails Fund Investor Update!
We’re so grateful for the amazing support received during our Justice Prevails Fund Campaign, raising $1.5 million in 2020-2021. In Year 2 of our four-year plan to spend down the Fund, FLY utilized $400,000 for special initiatives focusing on community responsiveness, youth voice, and statewide impact. We are so grateful to our JPF investors who made this possible. Here is a summary of what we were able to accomplish.

Initiative #1: COVID-19 and Community Response. Responding to emerging needs in our communities due to the lingering effects of COVID-19, the economic downturn and the changes to juvenile justice at the state and local level. In Year 2, we were able to:
- Continued funding for local emergency response funds in Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Alameda Counties to support youth and families affected by COVID-19 and the economic downturn. With these funds, FLY case managers provided assistance for rent, utilities, car repairs, COVID testing kits, and more.
- Contribute to state funding that launched our Middle School Program in Oakland. FLY was able to match state funding from the Board of State and Community Corrections to provide law-related education and life skills workshops to 48 middle school students in Oakland.
Initiative #2: Youth Voices for Change. Investing in our youths’ stories, perspectives, and advocacy, which can catalyze change to promote greater community safety, equity, and justice.
In Year 2, we:
- Brought on a youth voice coach who works across all FLY counties to train and encourage FLY alumni to elevate their voices in service of positive change to the systems that impact youth.
- Created a bridge of funding for FLY’s Credible Messenger Mentoring pilot program that hired and trained adults who were formerly involved in the juvenile justice system to be mentors for youth currently in the justice system. FLY’s government contract to support the pilot ended mid-year, and FLY was able to use JPF funds to extend the program to keep it going until the end of the fiscal year, at which time the pilot was sunsetted.
- Support training costs for FLY’s Speech Committee, a group of FLY alumni who are trained in public speaking and organizational effectiveness to help FLY engage stakeholders and improve internal policies and practices.
Initiative #3: Statewide Impact. Helping to change laws, change budgets, and change policing in the interest of justice across the state. In Year 2, we:

- Supported key infrastructure costs for our expansion into Contra Costa County. JPF funds helped FLY build operational support for the Contra Costa County expansion, complementing government contracts that primarily cover programmatic expenses.
- FLY was able to use the JPF funds to cover the stipends for multiple youth policy fellows who helped FLY support multiple state bills. These bills have wide-ranging effects including making record dismissals more accessible to youth, ensuring youth are informed of their rights when incarcerated, and much more!