Imagine 2030: A New Strategic Vision
An update from our CEO: In many ways, the pandemic has further exposed the long road of work that we have ahead of us. We believe now more than ever in the importance of FLY’s strategic plan to continue to expand our direct services, build evidence that demonstrates our programs work, create and implement a systems change plan in partnership with those systems, and figure out ways to offer our learning to others through technical assistance…all the while centering youth and their voices as key leaders and collaborators in working toward the change we all hope to see. We look forward to continuing to partner with you to collectively move toward this vision.
In twenty years of this work, FLY has helped tens of thousands of youth transform their lives. And together with our youth and partners, we’ve helped bring about system reforms that benefited kids in the Bay Area and beyond.
But the pipeline to prison still gets filled with thousands more young people every year because they don’t have access to services and support like FLY. This year, we created a new vision of a future for this country’s youth:
FLY envisions a country where all kids grow up valued and supported, and the pipeline to prison is replaced with meaningful opportunities for kids to live free, healthy, and productive lives that make stronger, safer, more vibrant communities for us all.
We have a goal for how we’ll live out this vision from now until 2030. This goal capitalizes on FLY’s proven abilities and allows for growth to benefit juvenile-justice and at-risk youth across the state and the nation:
By 2030, through partnering with kids, communities, and systems, FLY will help dismantle California’s pipeline to prison, equip 30,000 juvenile-justice and at-risk youth to transform their lives, and strengthen services for marginalized youth in California and beyond.
Going forward, we’ll organize our work around four pathways to success, which we’ve identified in Imagine 2030, our strategic growth plan:
- Expand: Expand services in our existing communities and in at least two more counties in California
- Spark Change: Move deeper into local systems change work and create a state-wide platform for the engagement of our youth in criminal justice reform (see more on page 8)
- Share: Elevate the field of juvenile justice through training, technical assistance, affiliate opportunities, speaking appearances, and more
- Employ data: Create a body of evidence about our work that will influence our field and key policymakers
We are excited and ready to realize the great potential of FLY over the next decade! Thank you for your commitment to being with us on the journey ahead.
Download more details about Imagine 2030.